Saturday, September 24, 2011

Artists? Who Needs Artists?

Well, we still do. BUT for now I've decided to stop sitting around and waiting for artists and just make my own images for the mini-VN.

That being said, when I say "make my own images" I mostly mean taking screenshots from the first episode and fan-art off the web and editing them to serve my purposes.

But it's better than having placeholder images that just look ugly.

Hopefully I won't get sued by anybody.

Erm... Either way we're still looking for artists, so if you're willing to put in a few hours making art for something that may or may not potentially ever be finished, go ahead and shoot me an e-mail at, or just leave a comment here.


  1. That actually sounds like a pretty good way to do it, to me.

    It's too bad the thread on /a/ was spammed to hell; This seems like a pretty good idea. I'd love to play it, but I'm sadly not a good artist. AT ALL.

  2. Either way, /a/non, if you want to join us in IRC (#k-onvisnov come right in. We could seriously use the company, even if you can't actually, per se, "help" the VN in any way.

    It just makes me feel better to see people idling in the IRC, I guess.

  3. Do want someone doing it for free?

  4. Well I obviously don't have money to pay anybody. Even if I did, as I've said before, I want this to be a fun, hobby thing. A K-On Visual Novel by K-On fans for K-On fans. This isn't supposed to be a money maker or anything like that, and certainly not a job or a chore.

  5. You'd be further along had you immediately take that route, but I guess it can't be helped.

  6. I'm sure you won't get sued over using screen shots of characters and cutting them out as sprites if that is what I think you're doing, they'd actually have to find the game first and then tracking you down would be hard unless you go and throw all your personal details onto your profile.

    Really hope you get this done, I know the pain of not being able to find artists. Or finding them and having them quit on the last sprite.

  7. well this was a pretty great project, I guess

  8. I like the sounds of this! While I can't draw for my life, I can still do some things in Photoshop, so menus and such I can do. I'd also be quite happy to help with some of the routes, (especially Mio) or proofreading (I'm an extremist grammar-nazi (-_-,)).

  9. Is this project abandoned? cause i would like to see this finished

  10. Abandoned project? :( I would have loved to see this
